Hello everybody, this is my new blog. Everything is the same except, the new one is not all about one topic. This one is about me and what i feel like writing, so I can write about anything.
Today i want to write about the movie I went to last night, we went to Gnomeo and Juliet. My whole family went and also johns friend Ken came , and my friend Marie Coteau came too. When we got there i said i wanted a Yogen Fruz for my tonsils, and Marie said that she would buy her and I one. When i asked my dad he said we don't need one. But later into the movie, we asked them and they told us it was fine. We went to the shortest line and when we got to the counter, Marie asked,"Can we please have two Yogen Fruz?" And we got the answer, " You have to go to that line" She pointed to the biggest line beside us. Marie and I went to the back of the line with so much anger. So when we got to the front, Marie said again, " Can we please have two Yogen Fruz?" The lady at the counter yelled to another," Two more!" So then we were sent to another line. Except this one was not long, but the couple took a while to pick their fruit. Finally we reached the counter, "Um i would like kiwis and raspberries in mine, please" I told the lady. Marie said" Hm mm, I'll just have the same as her. When i tried a little, you don't even know how bad i tasted. I said to Marie," I don't think i like this". " Really?" Said Marie. We were still mad because we were missing half of the movie! We went into the theatre and took our seats, We didn't even know what was going on! But we got settled into our seats and enjoyed the movie for ten minutes until, I got a piece of popcorn kernel stuck inside my throat,and when i tried to get it out, i would start gagging, and Marie was saying, "Whats wrong,are you okay?!". But i was saying no. I ran with her following me trying not to disturb the people watching the movie, when we got to the bathroom, i was gagging harder and i vomited in the sink. i guess i should have of done it in the sink, but i wasn't thinking at the moment. So now we really didn't know what the movie was about, but at least we saw the end.
Cute story, you are good at this.